
conception: Rajat Mondal
design & fabrication: Rajat Mondal
sound: Rajat Mondal
photo · video: Milton Mondal . Rajat Mondal
Production : Rajat Mondal

Thanks to
ESAM -Caen


Exploring the realm of installation, my creation embodies the essence of ephemeral emotions, fleeting movements, and the harmonious synergy of sound and transparent, layered color beams. This captivating artwork is a manifestation of intangible sensations intertwined with tangible elements, a delicate dance between the seen and unseen.

Working with the interplay of video and light, I craft a unique physical space that bridges the gap between material and immaterial realms. Within this space, video projections evoke the evanescent nature of cosmic phenomena, reminiscent of fleeting moments of light traversing surfaces. These compositions, aptly named ‘Rebounding Musing,’ capture the transition from two-dimensional to three-dimensional and embrace a polychromatic palette. A camera becomes the vessel to encapsulate the interplay of light and motion within the confines of space.

The installation delves into the intricate relationship between presence and absence, the tangible and the intangible, as well as the cyclical nature of destruction and reconstruction. ‘Rebounding Musing’ transforms a reflective reflux circumstance into a complex tapestry of reflections, inviting contemplation on the convergence of materiality and abstraction.

Central to this artwork is the synergy between video projection and sound. The choreography unfolds through seven-channel video projections, complemented by a two-channel audio accompaniment. These elements form an intricate symphony, where the movements and interventions shape the narrative, resonating with the visual and auditory components.

Guided by meticulous precision, a motorized system orchestrates slow and deliberate movements, manipulating ephemeral matter with grace. Vibrations and calculated gestures infuse life into the performance, creating an interconnected interplay between the minutiae of matter and the grandeur of human expression.

As projected images and sound harmonize, a dialogue between performers and their surroundings emerges. Their gestures traverse the boundaries of form, intertwining with the immersive environment. This gestural choreography embodies the metamorphosis of material objectivity, a visual representation of transformation.

‘Rebounding Musing’ serves as a poignant reminder of the fleeting marvels that often elude our perception amid the bustling tapestry of daily life. It invites us to pause, engage, and immerse ourselves in the transient beauty that nature graciously offers.”

materials: film · 7 channel video · projector· vibrator · filed recorded & modulated sound · RPi control unit

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