Play Video

The ‘Size’ presents a play. It is more of a dialogue. It throws ideas at the individuals (the scientists and artists) and challenges them to represent it in their signature ways.

Conceptualized by Baishali_Ghosh . Anusheela Chatterjee conception: Rajat Mondal . Neha Verma
design & fabrication: Rajat Mondal . Neha Verma . John Sudhi
collaborator: Rajat Mondal . Neha Verma . Nikhita Pasnuri . PS Kesavan . Sumit Bawari . Neha Singhal . Aishwarya Mandya . Rajit Narayanan C . P Phani Shilpa . Piyush Daga . Purnati Khuntia . Basil Thurakkal . John Sudhi
photo · video: Rajat Mondal . TIFR
Production : UOH . TIFR-Hyderabad

Thanks to
UOH . TIFR-Hyderabad . M_Krishnamurthy


materials: plastic film · 7 channel video · projector· vibrator · custom sound · RPi control unit

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