cube insect

conception: Rajat Mondal
design & fabrication: Rajat Mondal
animation & programming: Rajat Mondal
photo · video: Rajat Mondal
Production : Rajat Mondal

Thanks to
Jason Cook


“Cube Insect” – An Artistic Exploration of Human Advancement and Environmental Harmony through Insect-like Cubes


“Cube Insect” aims to create an art installation that combines elements of science, aesthetics, and environmental consciousness. This installation will feature cube-like forms that appear as insect-like structures due to the interplay of air and stroboscopic light. Floating within a confined space, these cubes will represent the fusion of five basic elements, symbolizing the interconnectedness of nature and human impact on the landscape.The work Cube Insect is inspired by the cubical forms of our surroundings; how we expand human influence in nature, we try to shape every aspect of the living organism into very structural forms that evolved from human brains.  By creating cubes in the name of human advancement, this installation seeks to spark contemplation about the delicate balance between progress and environmental preservation.

A form that emerges from the vast reconfigured landscape that unfolds the possibility of being within an enclosed box. The deconstruction process of a rigid cubic form into fleeting fragments is my means of spatial investigation and allegorical storytelling.

materials: plexiglass · polyester phome · stroboscope · custom sound · exhaust fan · RPi control unit

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